
Books: Ebb & Flow w/author autograph

A book of poetry based on the ebb and flow of one woman’s life, thus far. Shipping is included.


Books: Isis: The Egyptian Goddess w/author autograph

In this fresh look at the ancient Egyptian Goddess, Susan Morgaine reclaims Isis as The Great Mother Goddess and The Giver of Life, from whom all things come. Arna Baartz mystically illustrates Her as healer and protectress. My Name is Isis is a treasure box for children of all ages who want to draw close to this wise and nurturing Mother Goddess.


Please feel free to visit my blog for my take on Goddess Spirituality, feminism, some poetry and whatever else strikes my fancy.

Official Blog:

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Please Note: The Podcasts listed on the Amazon author page are not mine.

Available For Order NOW!: Ebb & Flow and On The Wings Of Isis

Ebb & Flow

Available Now!
Order Your Copy of Ebb & Flow Today!
I wrote the foreward for my dear friend Zehara Nachash's new book "Snake Charming: Stories, Myths, Magick & Rituals from A Modern Day Snake Charmer". You can find more information about Zehara at her web site (

I wrote the foreward for my dear friend Zehara Nachash’s new book “Snake Charming: Stories, Myths, Magick & Rituals from A Modern Day Snake Charmer”. You can find more information about Zehara at her web site (

“My Name is Isis”

A Girl God Publication in the “My Name is……” series is available via My Name Is Isis: The Egyptian Goddess and!

“Inanna’s Ascent” 

I am contributer to this anthology which is available via Inanna’s Ascent.



Pagan Pages is a monthly online Pagan magazine where you can find my columns. My page is located at:

Articles/Rituals such as my “Goddess Isis Ritual” can be found at my page at Motherhouse of the Goddess located at: The Motherhouse of the Goddess


SageWoman Magazine, Issue #88 – Serenity

Original Resistance Book

Original Resistance: Reclaiming Lilith, Reclaiming Ourselves

There is, perhaps, no more powerful archetype of female resistance than Lilith. As women across the globe rise up against the patriarchy, Lilith stands beside them, misogyny’s original challenger. This anthology—a chorus of voices hitting chords of defiance, liberation, anger and joy—reclaims the goodness of women bold enough to hold tight to their essence. Through poetry, prose, incantation, prayer and imagery, women from all walks of life invite you to join them in the revolutionary act of claiming their place—of reclaiming themselves. Purchase here: Original Resistance.

Whatever Works is a unique collection of writing by feminists of diverse faiths from around the world. This anthology combines personal essays, poems and academic musings with the goal of sparking conversations among women of all faith backgrounds. Religion plays a key role in defining and maintaining value systems, and yet it is often disregarded within feminism itself. This book shares the stories of highly diverse women with the hope that we can find collective solutions to the global problems that plague women and girls living under patriarchy. Edited by Trista Hendren and Pat Daly, with a preface by Dr. Amina Wadud. Purchase here: Whatever Works

“I am a Feminist Goddess-oriented Witch, which to me means that my feminism is combined with my spirituality, and my spirituality is part of my feminism.”
~ SusanMorgaine in “Whatever Works”
Jesus, Mohammed, and The Goddess

Jesus, Mohammed and the Goddess

Over 35 International contributors reflect on finding Goddess within (and without) Christianity and Islam.

Edited by Trista Hendren, Pat Daly and Noor-un-nisa Gretasdottir. Purchase here: Jesus, Muhammad and the Goddess

She Rises: How Goddess Feminism, Activism, and Spirituality? is a proud sister book to She Rises: Why Goddess Feminism, Activism, and Spirituality? Inheriting the legacy of Volume 1, this book continues to interweave the warp (the theme of the book) and the weft (our stories).

She Rises

What we present in this book is a tapestry collectively interwoven by the twenty-first century Goddessians/Magoists. As many as ninety-six contributors from around the world have provided captivating motifs in prose, poetry, research, and/or art.

It can be purchased here: She Rises: How Goddess Feminism, Activism, and Spirituality?



Companion books “On The Wings Of Isis” and “My Name is Isis” were published as part of The Girl God series. I wrote the children’s book “My Name Is Isis” and co-edited and contributed to “On The Wings Of Isis“, which is an Anthology  geared towards adults.

 Books by me on!